When it comes to managing sports fields, we have a small, very experienced and very well equipped team of turf professionals who are dedicated to providing high quality work across sports fields, school amenities and parklands.  All staff are qualified or currently studying Cert lll Sports Turf Management.

Our fleet of turf machinery and equipment includes seven dedicated shrouded boom spray units of different configurations to allow for flexibility in required treatment type ranging from parks and foreshores to high value sports fields.  Our units provide current and precise data regarding accurate product application.

Turf Services we provide:

  • Shrouded boom spraying;

  • Soil amendment and fertiliser applications, liquid and granular;

  • Weed wiping with our purpose built weed wiper units;

  • Field Aerations;

  • Seed installation;

  • Manual and spot treatment of weeds;

  • Soil testing and total field condition reporting;

  • Turf Management plans;

  • Organic – no herbicide or herbicide reduced solutions to sports field and park management;

  • GPS tracking and reporting on all applications.


As a company we actively support local sporting clubs and provide support and sponsorship for many of the codes, with our Turf Manager a member of the Australian Golf Course Superintendents Association (AGCSA).

If you are interested in managing your sports fields or turf areas please contact us and talk to our team.